It's always annoyed me. Why do athiests think they can be just as big of dicks about respecting others belief systems as the ultra-conservative religious folks (regardless of the religion) are to others?
More Blogs
Wednesday Dec 23, 2009
So...yeah...I decided to send my ex a message to confirm the picture … -
Tuesday Dec 22, 2009
So, I was removing a friend from my Facebook today (yeah, got one rec… -
Friday Dec 11, 2009
Hm.. I'm kinda surprised that no one in the sci-fi group has responde… -
Sunday Dec 06, 2009
Hrm. To play Pavi...I need to find a way of making masks that are fl… -
Friday Dec 04, 2009
Working on getting involved in a Repo! The Genetic Opera shadowcast. … -
Tuesday Dec 01, 2009
I have a short rant, but given that it may come off as bragging or na… -
Monday Nov 30, 2009
I'm going to skip going to my classes tonight. I hate doing it since… -
Wednesday Nov 25, 2009
I'm not feeling well. I'm the kind of sick where I can't sleep and I… -
Saturday Nov 21, 2009
FML. I woke up at 6:45 to go to a store meeting that it turns out I … -
Monday Nov 16, 2009
Bah, just watched a Good Eat's clip where he made perfect french toas…