It's always annoyed me. Why do athiests think they can be just as big of dicks about respecting others belief systems as the ultra-conservative religious folks (regardless of the religion) are to others?
More Blogs
Friday Mar 19, 2010
And the hits just keep on coming. Was going to buy some weed last ni… -
Wednesday Mar 17, 2010
I had a breakdown last night and am now nursing bruised knuckles and … -
Monday Mar 15, 2010
I'm in my new apartment and I love it. Still have some unpacking to … -
Thursday Mar 11, 2010
I moved into my new, full-sized one bedroom apartment. I'm exhausted… -
Monday Feb 22, 2010
In a funk. Trying to decide if I want to go to my adult education cl… -
Monday Feb 15, 2010
Re-installed Trillian. Cleaned up my buddy list. I have a very sad … -
Sunday Feb 14, 2010
In contrast to some of my friend's positive holiday messages? Fuck V… -
Saturday Feb 13, 2010
Ah. Just found out that my rant didn't actually get posted. Probabl… -
Friday Feb 12, 2010
I'm going to rant here. It's going to be psychotic and weird and off… -
Thursday Feb 11, 2010
Posting this here because I'm not enough of an asshole to say it in t…