Druggie friend attempted suicide, I'm nearly broke, and a fb friend said I think about myself too much. So I'm deleting all my whiny posts and will from now on post the same tripe as everyone else.
More Blogs
Friday Aug 09, 2013
I'm looking at what's going on with the new site and I just don't lik… -
Wednesday Jul 03, 2013
Update to my last post: Apparently last time I paid my sub, I changed… -
Monday Jul 01, 2013
So, due to my wife bascially losing her job, money's real tight. So,… -
Thursday Jul 19, 2012
I suck at blogging, sorry I don't post much. Do need to rant a littl… -
Friday May 04, 2012
Holy shit, I'm a married man! -
Wednesday Dec 07, 2011
So FML. Here I am, bored with smoking weed because I don't have frie… -
Sunday Sep 04, 2011
It's always annoyed me. Why do athiests think they can be just as bi… -
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011
After almost a year together, I decided that I cannot live without my… -
Sunday Nov 07, 2010
Turns out that when my bank card expired, it killed my SG account and… -
Thursday Jul 01, 2010
I got a date with a girl from OKCupid! She's cute, curvy, smart, wit…
I mean I always thought of these blogs as outlets, something for us to express what's going on on our lives. Shit, what's this tripe you speak of? Damn near every blog I read is about someone getting laid off, struggling to pay bills, dead relatives, broken promises, hospital trips. I think you're pretty par for the course