So...yeah...I decided to send my ex a message to confirm the picture as being accurate. Yeah, so I got over the vengefulness and am now just surprised. She always ranted about not wanting kids and that she'd get an abortion and helped her far-weaker-willed friend through one and all that. I mean...2 years changes people and I'm honestly a bit jealous if whatever guy she's with talked her into spawning and might have provided that sense of family that might change one's mind, but I'm still just shocked that she got pregnant, kept it, and has a pic of her with it on Facebook.
Damn. It's not hers. It's her godson.
We talked though. Calmly and friendly. I feel good about it. I think this is closure at last.
Damn. It's not hers. It's her godson.
We talked though. Calmly and friendly. I feel good about it. I think this is closure at last.