I'm going to skip going to my classes tonight. I hate doing it since I missed last week due to being sick, but I really don't feel up to it. I always bitch and moan on here, so I won't go into it. Hate always having depressing stuff to post. I'm just depressed and confused.
More Blogs
Wednesday Sep 30, 2009
So...I've had the same name here since I joined the first time someti… -
Saturday Sep 19, 2009
L'Shana Tov. Happy Jewish New Year. -
Saturday Sep 05, 2009
Open rant to the guy at the Synagogue today: Alright. I screwed up … -
Friday Sep 04, 2009
...Just saw the trailer for Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day. When … -
Tuesday Aug 25, 2009
...Spaghetti without sauce or butter and water. Yum. Being complete… -
Thursday Jun 25, 2009
...Just had the kind of emotional vent I've needed. I know I don't p… -
Sunday Feb 22, 2009
First time that I have vivid dreams in a long time and they're parano… -
Wednesday Feb 11, 2009
My rent check bounced due to bad budgetting (computers aren't the ans… -
Friday Jan 30, 2009
I have this really really creepy, ominous feeling. Not sure why. I … -
Friday Jan 02, 2009
Really went to a strip club for the first time tonight. My friend pa…
I do know how you feel about that whole jealousy over a friend who has a great roommate and a wonderful partner. It raises the whole question of where do you fit in. But if she isn't burning bridges, maybe it's just time to find where you fit with her and re-explore those things that brought you together in the first place.