So I'm probably going to go to the first fetish party I've been to in almost 2 years. It's pending me getting $5 for the door. I'm nervous as hell about it because the fetish scene here in Tulsa seems tiny which means there's a chance I might run into my ex-fiance. There is no word other than hatred to state how I feel about her, so the idea of running into her troubles me. I also don't know if I'll find anything/anyone there to interest me. I'm tempted not to go at all, but I figured I should force myself.
More Blogs
Friday Aug 09, 2013
I'm looking at what's going on with the new site and I just don't lik… -
Wednesday Jul 03, 2013
Update to my last post: Apparently last time I paid my sub, I changed… -
Monday Jul 01, 2013
So, due to my wife bascially losing her job, money's real tight. So,… -
Thursday Jul 19, 2012
I suck at blogging, sorry I don't post much. Do need to rant a littl… -
Friday May 04, 2012
Holy shit, I'm a married man! -
Wednesday Dec 07, 2011
So FML. Here I am, bored with smoking weed because I don't have frie… -
Sunday Sep 04, 2011
It's always annoyed me. Why do athiests think they can be just as bi… -
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011
After almost a year together, I decided that I cannot live without my… -
Sunday Nov 07, 2010
Turns out that when my bank card expired, it killed my SG account and… -
Thursday Jul 01, 2010
I got a date with a girl from OKCupid! She's cute, curvy, smart, wit…
Yeah Dracula truly is a special movie for me