Alrighty, I'm all moved in and while we still have a small amount of unpacking left, most of it is done. We just sort of lack surfaces to set stuff in our computer room, so all my cd-roms and such are still in a box on the floor.
I'm not minding the lack of cable, although the lack of the 'net is sort of bugging me. As of late, that void has been filled with Legend of Zelda: the Windwaker, which is surprisingly good. I have my laptop running Windoze again, which means my wireless card works on it, so I"ll probably use it at public wireless nets.
On another note: I"m going to the Rocky Horror Show on saturday at the Tulsa PAC. They'vre redone the costumes to be more like Ziggy Stardust, which is a cool thing on its own, but for Rocky, I'm not sure about it. The other downside is it that it looks like I'll be seeing it by myself
Damn conflicting schedules. But that's what I get for dating a girl who works at a bar, no?
I'm not minding the lack of cable, although the lack of the 'net is sort of bugging me. As of late, that void has been filled with Legend of Zelda: the Windwaker, which is surprisingly good. I have my laptop running Windoze again, which means my wireless card works on it, so I"ll probably use it at public wireless nets.
On another note: I"m going to the Rocky Horror Show on saturday at the Tulsa PAC. They'vre redone the costumes to be more like Ziggy Stardust, which is a cool thing on its own, but for Rocky, I'm not sure about it. The other downside is it that it looks like I'll be seeing it by myself

All my stuff is on the floor too. Has been for quite a while. I have no intention of changing the setup anytime soon, either.
See ya.