I'm looking at what's going on with the new site and I just don't like it. I've gone ahead and deleted my pics and vids. I don't really care about my blog, I guess though. I've googled myself enough to know that my web persona and myself stay quite seperate. But I still have misgivings. Apparently groups are currently available on the new site publicly,...
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Update to my last post: Apparently last time I paid my sub, I changed to a year long sub during a sale. I've still canceled my account just in case things are still rough later, but I'm here 'til at least November.
Sidenote: I post a blog that I'm canceling my account and immediately get a friend invite from a random hopeful. THAT is part...
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Sidenote: I post a blog that I'm canceling my account and immediately get a friend invite from a random hopeful. THAT is part...
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Ha, yes, ive been getting lots of friends invites from random hopefulls recently.
I except them, leave it a few days then unfriend them. Never get botherd by them again.
I except them, leave it a few days then unfriend them. Never get botherd by them again.
So, due to my wife bascially losing her job, money's real tight. So, for the first time in many many years, I'm going to have to cancel my sub to SG just to save a bit of money. I'll miss you Padre and Oxy. I'll come back when money gets better.
Hey, maybe if I have enough we can work something. Unless you need to focus attention away from sg?
I suck at blogging, sorry I don't post much.
Do need to rant a little, so my apologies. In one of my groups here, someone posted about a fashion designer starting a site where she would be modeling nude, posted a picture, and asked what people thought.
Several people expressed the opinion that they thought she looked pretty, but she looked plastic since she went...
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Do need to rant a little, so my apologies. In one of my groups here, someone posted about a fashion designer starting a site where she would be modeling nude, posted a picture, and asked what people thought.
Several people expressed the opinion that they thought she looked pretty, but she looked plastic since she went...
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Holy shit, I'm a married man!
Congratulations man, you've been with her for a while. Happy for you 

Thats my actual tumblr. 

So FML. Here I am, bored with smoking weed because I don't have friends to smoke with and yet some of the best weed I've ever seen is falling into my lap, semi-regularly, FOR FREE. I know I should just enjoy it, but damn ironic.
It's mine to share and yours to take.
(Which one, by the way?)
(Which one, by the way?)
How you keeping?
It's always annoyed me. Why do athiests think they can be just as big of dicks about respecting others belief systems as the ultra-conservative religious folks (regardless of the religion) are to others?
After almost a year together, I decided that I cannot live without my girlfriend, Bullintheheather, and have asked her to marry me. She said YES! We currently plan to get married on Dec. 21 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar. 

Hey congrats!
Turns out that when my bank card expired, it killed my SG account and I didn't realize it. Whoops.
Anyhoozle, life's not that bad right now. I'm living with an amazing girl in a nice little house in a much better part of town. Work sucks, but that can be dealt with.
Anyhoozle, life's not that bad right now. I'm living with an amazing girl in a nice little house in a much better part of town. Work sucks, but that can be dealt with.
sounds like things are good
It certainly is
How you?

I got a date with a girl from OKCupid! She's cute, curvy, smart, witty, and has a bigger porn collection than me and can quote Eddie Izzard at will. Also has a tattoo somewhere she won't tell me that she won't tell me what it is....
I may have found the perfect woman.
I may have found the perfect woman.
Druggie friend attempted suicide, I'm nearly broke, and a fb friend said I think about myself too much. So I'm deleting all my whiny posts and will from now on post the same tripe as everyone else.
Don't do that. Let's whine together sometime.
Do you think your FB friend is right?
I mean I always thought of these blogs as outlets, something for us to express what's going on on our lives. Shit, what's this tripe you speak of? Damn near every blog I read is about someone getting laid off, struggling to pay bills, dead relatives, broken promises, hospital trips. I think you're pretty par for the course
I mean I always thought of these blogs as outlets, something for us to express what's going on on our lives. Shit, what's this tripe you speak of? Damn near every blog I read is about someone getting laid off, struggling to pay bills, dead relatives, broken promises, hospital trips. I think you're pretty par for the course
Broke, but a friend is paying $70 to convert over 100 floppies with 3-4 jpegs a piece onto a cd. Honestly, I only expected to get like $40 at most. But he's spent enough time doing computer work and hardware installs and stuff, he refuses to pay too little for the time this kind of work takes. So hey, $70 tax fee with $20 up...
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