I've taken to waking up at 4 am. I'm not sure whats up with these sleep patterns. Sometimes it's normal. Sometimes I can never get to sleep. Every now and then it's waking up at odd hours of the morning.
Right now, I'm getting to the point where I am insanely sleepy and it's 9:20 in the morning.
In other news, I always seem to think about how things are going to end before they start. I kind of try to predict the future and it makes me sad because I know everything ends. What I always seem to miss what happens in the middle and I know that's the important part.
If I know something bad is going to happen I always try to circumvent it, or actually, I usually try to stop things before they even go there.
This is bad. In recent years I've tried to remind myself to grab every little happy part of life as it comes and to deal with the shit when I get to it. Life sort of like a roller coaster. It's goes up and down, sometime it stays down, a lot. I have to constantly remind myself that it will go up and when it does, that's when it's fun. That's when you throw your arms in the air.
and scream.
and enjoy the ride.
When it's down, all you can do is wait.
Right now, I'm getting to the point where I am insanely sleepy and it's 9:20 in the morning.
In other news, I always seem to think about how things are going to end before they start. I kind of try to predict the future and it makes me sad because I know everything ends. What I always seem to miss what happens in the middle and I know that's the important part.
If I know something bad is going to happen I always try to circumvent it, or actually, I usually try to stop things before they even go there.
This is bad. In recent years I've tried to remind myself to grab every little happy part of life as it comes and to deal with the shit when I get to it. Life sort of like a roller coaster. It's goes up and down, sometime it stays down, a lot. I have to constantly remind myself that it will go up and when it does, that's when it's fun. That's when you throw your arms in the air.
and scream.
and enjoy the ride.
When it's down, all you can do is wait.
(i almost wrote west coast. I should go to bed.)