I am SUCH a tired bunny! Oh my goodness. Something is wrong with me! hehe, I've nearly called into placement sick today and yesterday through a sheer lack of insight as to WHY I SHOULD get out of bed. I found no reason other than I would have to work the hours at a later date
Ok as some of you may know, I have some ligament damage/problems around my kneecap and my feet and recently my kneecap has been a lot worse than usual. I felt enough was enough and went back to the doctors. I went for an initial assessment with the physiotherapist about 2 months back and she told me that she thought she would be unable to help any with the kneecap problem as the damage seems to be under the kneecap (where I have been telling them the pain is coming from all along) and that I could strengthen the muscles around it and see if it helped any. I did not find this a complete positive as what she was basically saying was "it's not gonna cure it but we couldd TRY this way anyway". So I go back to the doctors last week and ask her about it and she says that she thinks that the problem is under the kneecap (STOP TELLING ME WHAT I KNOW!!!!!) but they probably wouldn't do surgery and physio is the best option. This is doing my nut in. Boooooooooo. Haha sorry about that really needed a rant. I also went to the docs about something else and they wound me up about that too but don't want to go into too much detail!
Well I have to leave a little spot in my blog for this man :

Ok as some of you may know, I have some ligament damage/problems around my kneecap and my feet and recently my kneecap has been a lot worse than usual. I felt enough was enough and went back to the doctors. I went for an initial assessment with the physiotherapist about 2 months back and she told me that she thought she would be unable to help any with the kneecap problem as the damage seems to be under the kneecap (where I have been telling them the pain is coming from all along) and that I could strengthen the muscles around it and see if it helped any. I did not find this a complete positive as what she was basically saying was "it's not gonna cure it but we couldd TRY this way anyway". So I go back to the doctors last week and ask her about it and she says that she thinks that the problem is under the kneecap (STOP TELLING ME WHAT I KNOW!!!!!) but they probably wouldn't do surgery and physio is the best option. This is doing my nut in. Boooooooooo. Haha sorry about that really needed a rant. I also went to the docs about something else and they wound me up about that too but don't want to go into too much detail!
Well I have to leave a little spot in my blog for this man :
He's the man I know I REALLY shouldn't...... (But I so would!)
Adios xx
I will kiss your knee and make it all better

no prob