Highs and lows, that's life, but at least I'm desperately trying to delete forever the word procrastination from my vocabulary. New projects keep my mind busy from useless countdowns and pointless paranoia.
On a happy note, 10 days and this house will be overwhelmed by hosts (Dwam,Wakiki,p_mod, Taye just to name a few... and mostly just to make you green with envy) for the Tattoo Convention.
Friday night, our party. Last year I ended up being in the waiting room of a hospital completely fucked up and dressed as a Bulgarian slut. That "Party until you die" is not mere fantasy.
Model: Gogo
Photographer: Albertine
Guess who's gonna post a new set soon? Well, in the meanwhile, I'll please you with some visual reminder so that you won't forget my face.

On a happy note, 10 days and this house will be overwhelmed by hosts (Dwam,Wakiki,p_mod, Taye just to name a few... and mostly just to make you green with envy) for the Tattoo Convention.
Friday night, our party. Last year I ended up being in the waiting room of a hospital completely fucked up and dressed as a Bulgarian slut. That "Party until you die" is not mere fantasy.

Model: Gogo
Photographer: Albertine
Guess who's gonna post a new set soon? Well, in the meanwhile, I'll please you with some visual reminder so that you won't forget my face.


You are even more beautiful in person. I'm so glad to have met you and spend time with you. 

patataaaaa!!! no prob, sto a milano fino al 19 lo troviamo un momento x beccarci!!! mandami via pm il tuo num ke ho perso il cell