been a while, just reupped my SG account. gonna be doing a photoshoot for a friend soon, she wants to be a SG girl. ill link it when we get it done and all that stuff.
So my pc died. like hardcore died.
But we can rebuild, and make it stronger

in other news, my grandfather passed away yesterday morning. he isnt my grandfather by blood but ive known him pretty much my whole life so its a change.. he will be missed.

today i take Lai on her frist Zoo trip. hopefully it all goes well smile

A special shout to...
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I miss you too! Come and visit me.

First Zoo tirp, that's awesome. I hope you got some great pictures of the experience!

How is everything? Happy birthday again even though I'm a little late. Ps... Email me your address so I can send you real life letters!
sooooo.... I have to say that you are the most awesome person I have ever in my life had the pleasure of being friends with. You have never once lied to me, even when I didn't want to hear the truth and I appreciate you more than you know. I hope you are doing well and I miss you. I'm trying to save up money for a trip to Ohio next month. *Crosses my fingers*. I still don't have a car, but I could always fly smile
so i went to the eye dr about my eye and i have a ruptured/swollen retina from stress Joy

have to go see a specialist asap.
Ouch.. doesn't sound fun!
gonna be working long hours tonight. more long then it will be hard. not sure if thats good or bad though.

got new pics with Lai, will post them soon.
ok why does SG feel the need to keep fucking up my favorites?
So today is my only day off and it dosent feel like much of a day off . i have so many things to do.

1. move stuff from old storage area to the new one.
2. get my ass to the gym
3. go get the shelving for the desk area and install it
4. clean the house and do laundry

well im gonna...
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OK I've got a starter website up for the studio. still needs a lot of work and I need to load more pictures when i get time.

take a look http://origami-studios.com/
Happy Spooktacular Weekend!


dads home from the hospital. doing so so. cant really move to easy with out help. prolly gonna take time off work to take care fo him.

so i may have more freetime in the future..
Hey there! Sorry I haven't written in such a long time. I was showing your pictures to some of my friends and they think that you are a cutie. Go to my myspace page....


And click on Gretchen Moenning. She thinks your a hottie.... blush

Go tell her hi!

So another Birthday has past. nothing exciting. plans fell through, and ended up just hanging out with my brother at a bar. was good for him, because i helped him meet a pretty cool chicka.. he isnt to good starting conversations. so i was there to open the door for him tongue ig uess that was my birthday present to him..lol

took a couple of days...
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