i finally moved back to the capital, found an apt.with a great view, im a student again, i met someone , i got three new piercings n a new haircut (i dont have any pics yet), i wanna get another tattoo but i dont have the $$ yet, everything is just great! im so happy!
I'm not real, I would never be until I'm free.
I'm not sure of anything, I dont trust nobody.
I dont wanna be this, but I dont have a choice.
I can only choose how to live like this, with this.
after so much disappointment, you are dead to me.
is not because I wanted it to... Read More
I just shot another my new set, myself.
I'm confident and I had fun doing it.
My inspiration... a guy.
I'll explain more in the intro
I'm gonna choose the best pics now and then fix them a little bit ...
I didnt had much experience at this the last time, and i've been practicing ... maybe is good enough, maybe not, but my "source... Read More
i've discovered photoshop ...
n' i think i'm not doing an awful job either...
i dont know, i'm not a photographer, i'm just doing it for the fun of it cuz is something i've never done before n' is different from what i usually do in the office or the tattoo shop
This is just something I wrote when I had some free time at work:
"Free time!!! Finally. Last night I went to bed n' the only think on my mind was the kind of paperwork that I need for tomorrow and I woke up this morning trying to remember where was the paperwork I needed to finish the other paperwork.... Read More
bueno, las cosas x fin se estan poniendo bonitas por aka :
- se me metio en la cabeza qe TENGO qe aprender a fotografiar. estoy sigiendo todos los consejos qe me han dado por supuesto y he stado investigando tambien, asiqe la proxima vez prometo qe sera mejor, o x lo menos eso espero.
-encontre qien me enseara... Read More
Estoy mas estresaa qe la xuxa.
estoy considerando seriamnte en cambiarme de casa, lo xistoso esqe no aguante ni un ao viviendo con mis viejos y ya no los aguanto.
tengo muchas ganas de sacarme fotitos!! asiqe ando en buska de un fotografo/a asiqe cualqer cosa dejen post please
tambien me voi a acer cambio de look
every year with no exception the week before my birthday is a total chaos I dont know why and this year it has been kinda weird. I know things are not gonna be the same after this week, but the changes in my chaotic week are always for the better n' there is even a chance that I... Read More
well, this is gonna be my last blog for a while // este va a ser mi ultimo blog por un tiempo
I'm gonna dissapear but I will be back, the thing is I have to much going on in my life, its not the best moment cuz of my sets but vacations are over and I need to get a job among... Read More
Ok, my first set is up in MR Twi5t - Sshhhh !! , I had a really busy week but fun with my family and friends, I save a another life! I rescue a little cat from a dog and now he's clean and happy living in my house soo cute !!
Ok, por fin mi primer set esta en... Read More
ahora cuando vaia nos conocemos po mujer =)!
manda el msn pa hablar