Its all weird. my band is reforming without yet having split up. We haven't jammed in ages and i didn't get to ask out the girl i like from the studio(the god dammit gorgeous one who randomly knocked at my house collecting for charity, she asked for my number but didnt get in touch so it was probly a naff idea anyhow), hence valentines sucked.
The other guitarist has left cuz me an him fell out, the drummer wants me to get on board with this other girl who has a production company interested but needs a band. The drummer wont come out on friday because the bass player will be there and he has been jamming with another band. I'm piggy in the middle people and I hate pork chops!

art is easier than music. yes thats it. keep drawing.
i got a folioshoot lined up for a band next week tho, lookin forward to that. some location work and a gig on tuesday. live work is ace. guest list entry and backstage access rocks.

edited to add;
i now have a broken hand and the band stuff is therefore academic. i can't play for 8 weeks or so.
so i was in town and left a coffee house at about 10;30 and walked across the other side of town and along the way, happened across one of those drunk types who like to spill their qualms to random strangers. he was sat looking rather crumpled with his tearstained face and a girlfriend, only marginally less tear stained at his side.
as i rounded the corner he bounded over to me with an "oi mate" kind of attitude. i thought he might ask for a "spare ciggy mate" or "any spare change mate?"
so he says to me,"is your dad ok mate?" and i say, a little confused,"yeah mate, why?"
and he starts to get histerical, shouting at me,"well mine isn't you fucking twat..."
dude hits me in the face and i elbow him. his girlfriend comes bounding over screaming at me,"don't he doesn't mean it hes jus upset.!"
then the fucker hits me again from behind her, swings at her knocking her side ways and barges me to to floor as two other lads jump in and start hitting him.
so me and his girlfriend are helping each other of the floor to watch a growing number of lads all ascrapping in the street, and this guy gotta be coked up because he just keeps getting up for more.
so i assume something is up with this guys dad and he aint dealin with it very well. after everyone got bored of puttin him on his ass and him bouncin back for more he runs of screaming ond shouting and punching both the air and his girlfriend and i'm looking for my glasses and watching as he attacks the next random bunch of strangers.
so some how i broke my hand, think i landed funny on it. 4 hours in casualty t get it x rayed and splinted and another 2 hours today to get my glasses replaced. fucking wanker!!

I hear you're still working on loosing that flux image.

Come visit.