I've been drawing lots recently. It usually starts to happen when I'm stressed or frustrated. It's theraputic you see. It's been kind of a while since I've been into drawing seriously, but hopefully I haven't lost it.
Marks out of ten please...and a bonus prize to anyone who knows who it is...
Answers on a postcard...(or in a post will do jus fine)
Edited to ad: Ok peeps I have to let you in on a lil sectret, Its not really my birthday-Iscrewed up when entering my birthdate - my real birthday is july 2nd and not feb 7th (02/07) as aposed to (07/02) but if you still wish to send presents i will graciously accept them (of course0
but thanks to everyone who has wished me happy birthday, its been the best non-birthday I've ever had.


wot? nah I'm taking myself to see pretty gay cowboys kissing

If you're going to insult me at least do it in a creative way