mwuhuhuhuhu to the art of drawing i have returned...complete my training i must...when finnished it is it for you to see i will....mwuhuhuhuhu
thats my best effort at a yoda impression. anyone got an impression to share?
i think my brain is infected with something but i'm not sure what it is must have picked it up over the weekend and now it has gestated and little critters are bopping around in my head with the music too loud. next they will have sex and multiply and b4 you know it i will be taken over completely.
thats my best effort at a yoda impression. anyone got an impression to share?
i think my brain is infected with something but i'm not sure what it is must have picked it up over the weekend and now it has gestated and little critters are bopping around in my head with the music too loud. next they will have sex and multiply and b4 you know it i will be taken over completely.
my favourite part was the end of the 3rd one, when you got to see darth vader as the vader we all know with his costume. i absolutely loved how his outfit had that 1980s button panel on the front with one big green button and one big red button. what a useless bit of 1980s wardrobe. hehehe.
what do you think that button panel is for? tea? green for milk, red for no milk?
(lordy, i'm turning into a camera geek!