did shopping today and had to suffer the myriad inconvenience of a town flll with mayhem. its a pain at the best of times but today was frantic, oh well i had a bacon double cheeseburger to reward myself for having not killed any inocent shoppers. felt like it though. i saw one guy getting a (ahem) 'telling off' by a rather large and primitive looking security guard. that was funny.
there are people who tell me they enjoy all the running around getting ready for christmas. are they sick? do they need therapy? i say bring on the dinner!
there are people who tell me they enjoy all the running around getting ready for christmas. are they sick? do they need therapy? i say bring on the dinner!
Any tips to help me not brutally kill "dodery shoppers that stop in the middle of the street to have a chat with someone they haven't seen since last thursday while picking up their pension and make me trip up on a badly maintained paving stone" would be greatly appreciated.......
Yeah right, shut the fuck up