ahhhhhh! rainy day. Gotta go to school later, I skipped my Math class. not much exciting to say......... (man, I suck!)
More Blogs
Friday Jun 10, 2005
I usually check in here every so often, but if you wanna find me, I… -
Sunday May 22, 2005
I must admit....... I HATE Gwen Stefani Thanks for comming -
Friday May 06, 2005
Well, I got DUI last night. Impounded my truck and suspended my lis… -
Sunday May 01, 2005
what a crazy two weeks! Got my first two shows with the band under m… -
Monday Apr 18, 2005
Hey, check out my new band! www.myspce.com/thisdayforever (you… -
Thursday Apr 14, 2005
Everyone please check out my new band!!!!!!!! www.myspace.com/… -
Thursday Mar 31, 2005
AHHH! Been really busy with the new apartment and work and holidays … -
Monday Mar 14, 2005
So I found my new apartment and it kicks much ass! Can't wait to mov… -
Thursday Mar 10, 2005
drink lots of alcohol, drive home, leave fucked up messages on your f… -
Tuesday Mar 08, 2005
Wild cazy weeks latley, but they are slowly calming down and life i…
thanks for stopping by my journal...sorry i was such a downer this morning...hey you live here...do you know of any cool places that could hire me? or have you heard of any jobs that does not involve me flipping burgers and waiting on kids 15 years younger than me? i so can't seem to find anything and i don't want to work fast food. i made that promise when i was 16 and haven't broken it yet and am not planning on it. i don't know maybe i'm a snob but i don't want to be 31 and working for burger king or something, ya know? oh well...thought i'd ask
catch ya later