typical SG board poster = full of contridcations.
it's funny...how chicken people can be when it comes to comments...deleting responses because they can't deal with it.
ahhh...internet drama.......it's like...real life, huh?
lol.....people on the internet, telling me how to be "cool."

it's funny...how chicken people can be when it comes to comments...deleting responses because they can't deal with it.
ahhh...internet drama.......it's like...real life, huh?
lol.....people on the internet, telling me how to be "cool."

I felt it was my part as a true gentleman and caring peer on SG to clue you in on a few things before you start really regretting your time on here...
Please take note of a few things:
1. SG is a site where we value respect, freedom of expression, and the well being of fellow SG peers with equal and passionate priority.
2. This is a pay-site where the Artistry has as one focus nudity; and then allows for theses same Muses to share their world freely on here...thus there is a sensitivity to threads, comments, ESPECIALLY in their own journal.
3. This is also a pay site that you can easily be kicked off of if you create a consistent sense of unease for other members.
ESPECIALLY the SG models.
4. You've already seen how quickly a simple thread that you quite possibly felt was harmless and proper for a site with nudity on it....it brings swift and angry reaction from people that find out about it;
these people are very protective of each other ESP. SG Models .
So when anyone ESPECIALLY SG Muses feel attacked, creeped out or singled out, there is usually a hostilereaction.
When it's in the form of biting wit it's called being snarky!
Either way, you sorta opened a hornet's nest I'm afraid and I wanted to try and give well meaning advice to you quickly.
This loyal SG community I amproud to be apart of really tries stand up for each other and passionately protect their fellow friends...even if they've never met.
I am prolly one of the more mannered types who has first tried to help you see that it can be a very good group of friends to get to know,since you are really new around here,
rather than get angry and scold you and such.
There are a ton of people on her who feel very protective of each other..
esp. SG Muses.
So if they find out that you continue to create unease, shall want to react with a bit of ire for you. They'll be pissed in other words
5. I am taking the time to type you this to maybe help you enjoy this site more by first understanding the close-knit community here.
6. Trust me, this is not a good time to start crap with others esp. as a new member..
People are really touchy and overly annoyed since a few, well mostly a certain new member creeped and annoyed everyone to no end just these past weeks.
He sorta ruined it for new thread posters and those who dissagree with the SG masses.
I suppose six hastily typed out points are enough to let you know that it's up to you how your SG experience becomes.
A)You have the option of becoming anonymous, you can enjoy the site, the sets, in any wauy you want and not be bothered by others.
B)You can remain here with a profile, keep low key for awhile till you feel you can contribute in a positive manner, then have a great time interacting, venting, whatever within reason and f4eel part of a very supportive community.
or basically ----
C).Do a few ill-advised things; say, post creepy style comments again,and/or comment unkindly in other's journal entries, and be quickly perceived as a negative presence on the site..Go ahead and vent on your own journal..
you paid for it..
But I bet that if you go and leave `snarky` commets in other's journals..
well then pal, to be blunt,
the shit'll hit the fan,
you'll get quite the angry posts and comments
if anyone feels you're creepy, and prolly be kicked off..
zotted is what the SG lingo is....
It's all up to you really
I'm holding my typing"tongue " for now ..
I am MUCH more upset than Iwhat am showing you just for the simple fact that you have already been a bit of a cur to both Hepburn and MOST ESPECIALLY SG Roby!!!
You may not yet have realized that that is crossing the line
on here....
I'm first sending you this in hopes you can see that you've sorta gotten off on the wrong foot on here.
Please try to have a good toime without causing too much discomfort.
Yes, we are all entitled to our opinion, and we don't need to like everyojne.
But if you go and confront people in their own journals...
you're prolly gonna regret it.
That is the best i can do without getting all Shaolin disciplined -ghetto- junk yard dog snarling -Lady and the Tramp protecting-crazy on you already..
You got the guard dog in me about Ladies-that I am ever respectful and caring of-a bit worked up.
It takes a lot for me to be reactive, but this was big enough for me to take the time and clue you in.
So please forget about this thread nightmare you've found yourself in...
leave people who disagree alone
Get to know waht is considered kool on here..
and what creeps out and then pissies people off on here..
And make your SG experience a good one
I am not yet putting you on my ignore list...
I've never had to, I hope I never will...
But I can't help but snarl a lil when I see disrespect of others.
Esp Ladies, ESP SG Muses....
Having a good sense of humor REALLY helps:
[Edited on Jan 16, 2005 3:01AM]