my mother left for italy at the end of may and she won't be coming home until the end of august, and my stepfather left for italy two weeks ago and he won't be coming home until this weekend, which has left my 19 year old brother the entire house to himself
god. i hate young people. hate hate hate
the house looks as if several grenades were detonated inside of it. there's trash and filthy dishes everywhere. several slip'n'slides have been set up on the basketball court. empty beer bottles are floating in the pool. newspapers are all over the front yard. i went up in the TV room last week and found a cereal bowl containing nothing but blunt tobacco and empty nitrous rounds. i mean, i used to (and still do) party like that, but NOT at our house
and i can't help but to think if all of these 'friends' that he has made over the last two weeks are going to vanish as soon as he doesn't have the house to himself anymore
i should really take photos of the state of things over there. for blackmail-related purposes

when you consider all of the things that you use the internet for on a daily basis; talking to people on the boards here, checking your email, maybe doing some shopping or paying your bills, and then consider examples of the internet's effect on your life on a broader scale; how it's practically made going to a library obsolete, or about the emotional relationships with people that you meet over the net, etc., doesn't it sometimes still seem like the internet is something lifted from the pages of a william gibson novel?
you suck
i don't like you
just kidding
anyway. i'm going to seawalk then im going to have dinner with paulie then i'll be home. then we'll talk. and you'll tell me nice things.