I gaining my manhood smile.
kicking my bounds, and I will win...
thanks for the birthday wishes kiss
have fantastic christmas my friend!!!enjoy this holidays.....wink
well first I left Edinburgh on the 21st, maybe I will return someday, maybe not, but it was my home smile.
second, I am still having trouble accepting my sexual kinks and its frustrating, its been years with this constant bottle what my dick likes and what my brain can accept are two different things...
hahah well admitting that you are perplexed is a step in the right direction.. i know tons of people that just do what they want and then go into psychotic spirals about it "being so wrong" ...
No more drama...
I find no fun in drama. Keep life simple is my motto.

By the way, my brother is doing OK under the circumstances. He has had radio and chemo therapy and I will go to see him next to lend him some support. He sounds good on the phone, but his wife mentioned that his mood is low. Hopefully, I can raise his spirits.

It can't be long until you go to Canada. It's a lovely country and I like the attitude of the people I met over there. The people seemed to be more out going than the English, but not brash like the Americans. I hope the move goes well for you.
For the first time in my life, I am starting living in the real world...
cool i'm so glad !!!wink
It will be hard for me to leave Edinburgh, but my visa is expiring on the 23rd of November, and my immigration paper to Canada should be here in a month or two. I am heading to Montreal to start a new life, a career, and start doing something positive with my life.
I will miss Edinburgh dearly, I have tons of friends in here,...
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back to Edinburgh.
Thanks for the comment on my brother. He has had an operation and he is doing well at the moment, but the tumour has not been removed completely and the next step is likely to be chemotherapy. Fingers still need to be crossed to wish him luck.

How are things going in Edinburgh? I wonder how much time you left on your course and what you are likely to do when its over? The weather much be much better in Lebanon!