So I went to have the scooter looked at. Apparently I was really low on oil. So, being the nice guy that he is, he filled up my oil and said to drive it for a day to let it work out the kinks. (It was making all kinds of chirping noises) So I'm on my way back home on my chirping scooter and it dies on me. I'm right by my work so I figure let it cool down for a bit and it'll start again and I can drive it home. I was wrong. Had the scooter people pick it up, got a ride home from a coworker, and now I'm sitting at home, no ride, and i have to work tomorrow at 1:30. I was not planning on spending any more money on this thing. i just was going to sell it and move, but nooooooooooooooo....FML
funny how that happens? as soon as you decide on one thing life's right there to throw you a curve ball. hope you can save more money so you can finally move 

well let's hope you're not too broke then haha!