Ok so I'm laying here in my bed, just out of chat, and I'm thinking to myself "self, my gloriously faithful fans deserve a new blog!" (for this purpose you're being referred to as "fans" btw....hope that's ok)
So things going on in my life are....still working at the porn shop...making shit for money. It's ok though cause I get half off any novelty I want and it's not like I have more than one bill (cell phone) right now anyway. Also still trying to get the remains of those tiny fucking gnats out of the pool in time for a certain person to swim in it without being all grossed out (not that you would be, but it'd be better if they weren't there).
Side note: Wow this laptop is really warming my balls right now
So yeah I'm really looking forward to the party on July 16th! (yes churtch it's still in July! hehehe
I really hope that everyone can make it that's planning on it. Sadly not everyone will be able to. Maple won't be there because of a family obligation. xunboundx and raysha might not be able to because of the fact that they live in Oregon and it's mad expensive to fly here from there. I really hope they can though because they're good people. So, if you'd like to help get them out here and really wanna meet them like me, send them some damn money! Ssssshhhhh don't tell them I said that though! Oh wail, they'll be able to read this too.....eh, oh well. Worth it.
Ok, I'm going to go to sleep now. I have to get up in like 9 hours! I know right! Goodnight all my lovelies!
(BTW, jennastrange, the next time I'm in Chicago, I totally wanna fold you up in my suitcase and take you home with me)
So things going on in my life are....still working at the porn shop...making shit for money. It's ok though cause I get half off any novelty I want and it's not like I have more than one bill (cell phone) right now anyway. Also still trying to get the remains of those tiny fucking gnats out of the pool in time for a certain person to swim in it without being all grossed out (not that you would be, but it'd be better if they weren't there).
Side note: Wow this laptop is really warming my balls right now
So yeah I'm really looking forward to the party on July 16th! (yes churtch it's still in July! hehehe
I really hope that everyone can make it that's planning on it. Sadly not everyone will be able to. Maple won't be there because of a family obligation. xunboundx and raysha might not be able to because of the fact that they live in Oregon and it's mad expensive to fly here from there. I really hope they can though because they're good people. So, if you'd like to help get them out here and really wanna meet them like me, send them some damn money! Ssssshhhhh don't tell them I said that though! Oh wail, they'll be able to read this too.....eh, oh well. Worth it.
Ok, I'm going to go to sleep now. I have to get up in like 9 hours! I know right! Goodnight all my lovelies!
(BTW, jennastrange, the next time I'm in Chicago, I totally wanna fold you up in my suitcase and take you home with me)

thanks kobes <3
wish i could be there.