Out the plane window...(there are 7, so I spoilered them)
Here are a couple of the plane just about to land
The next few are of our place immediately after I walked in the door (I'll post others after we get everything put in it's place and just generally straightened up)
The front of the house
Our front door with Cage standing all cute in it
Right when you walk in our front door (it's not this boxy anymore). Through the door in the back is the laundry room...I didn't think I needed to take a picture of that.
Then you turn right and the bathroom is right there on the left (confused yet? hehehe)
Past the bathroom is our bedroom/living room/entertaining area/everything else (also not nearly as boxy anymore and we have a real bed and a nice 32" LCD TV, Direct TV, Tivo, DVD player and PS2 on the dresser)
Hope you all enjoyed the tour around our wonderful new home. We're close to all kinds of things in this neighborhood, and it's just barely far enough away from the main roads to make it quiet at night. The couple we're renting from is very cool (and younger than me btw). Cage and I are getting along great and enjoying spending time together. All in all it's working out beautifully! Again, I'll take more pics after we get everything where we want it and you'll be able to see why we like it here.
Of the one of you that saw my last apartment in Chicago....nothing has broken! (knocks on wood) and both of that couple are good at fixing things if anything should break...(and are actually willing to do it right away!)
Well, take care everyone. I'll update when we're all squared away here.