ok so I was getting ready to walk out of the door of the club that I work at last night and one of the bartenders offers me a ride home. I kindly accept and we go to his car. I very quickly find out he's the biggest lead foot I've EVER seen! I start getting a little nervous seeing that it had been snowing all night...and it wasn't that light, fluffy snow either, it was the kind that turns into slush right after it hits the ground. We make it to the highway. End up taking the wrong way. We go to get off at the next exit to turn around and he tries to get onto the exit ramp WAY too fast. Now we're spinning down the grass between the highway and the ramp. Now we're facing the wrong way on the highway. Luckily he slams on the gas and turns the car around super fast and get us going in the right direction again. If he hadn't we could very possibly been involved in a head on collision...which would have really sucked ass (duh). So yeah...after that he went a lot slower (still too fast for the weather though in my opinion). Why is everyone is such a damn hurry all the time? We were off work...it's not like he was going to be late for anything! I think from now on I'll stick to walking a mile to the train. Much slower, but nobody has ever been in a head-on collision on the highway because they walked to the train.
REALLY glad I'm one of the luckiest people I know!
Happy New Year everyone! I hope your's was better than mine!
REALLY glad I'm one of the luckiest people I know!
Happy New Year everyone! I hope your's was better than mine!
I CANNOT believe I read about this on your blog?! I'm retro-actively worried now!

Dude,that's insane! I can't even imagine what you must have been going through.Luckily,you came out of that alive!!