I've officially reached my breaking point. I'm going to war with my landlord. He (and his wife) have pushed me too far and I'm not going to take it any more.
Some history....I moved in November of '05. The apartment was, and is unrenovated (meaning really old and crappy) so they told me if I wanted to repaint it myself then I didn't have to give them a security deposit. I agreed. They also told me that they aren't going to be using a written lease. I found that kind of strange but agreed and moved in. That's when things started to go downhill...and fast. Over the next few months I told them that my fridge was leaking on the inside. They said they were going to give me the fridge from the apartment that they were about to renovate across the hall from me. I said great and waited....and waited...and waited. That fridge ended up getting hauled away and probably tossed. My fridge still leaks to this day.
Fast forward to summer of '06. I'm taking a shower, put my shampoo bottle down on the tile ledge and 2 of the tiles fall through inbetween the tub and wall. I call up the landlord and he tells me he'll fix it. I then call him every single day until it's actually fixed. It takes him 27 DAYS! Oh by the way, did I mention that they own a construction company and could of had this fixed the very next day if they gave two shits about me...
Fast forward to that fall (around Sept-Oct of '06). I call them up and tell them that the windows in my apartment are falling apart. The frame has been eaten away by nature over the years and need to be fixed or replaced. He comes and takes a look at it and tells me that he can't fix them and that he won't replace them. He actually refused to replace the windows where I can move the entire frame with my hand very easily! At the very least he should be worried that the window might fall out onto the sidewalk below and land on someone's head and then sue the crap out of him.
Fast forward to a week or two later. I call them up and tell them that my bathtub is leaking when I take a shower. They do nothing. I told them several more times. The last time I tell him about it he has the balls to tell me "If the apartment below you gets water damage I'll have to completely renovate your apartment which will make the rent go up. Fix it yourself". That made me a tad angered as I'm sure you can understand. I end up finding out that every time I took a shower, it rained into the tub in the place below me....which had then begun to be redone. I take some silicone and fix it myself, then dock all expenses and labor from my rent check (totalling $75). At this point it's common knowledge that the landlord of this building will not fix anything for anyone (even the businesses on the first floor).
I then get my monthly phonecall this morning from the wife that she needs the rent and if I'm late again she's going to start charging me a late fee! Now, I'd understand this completely if they were on the ball with repairs. Hell, I'd even understand if they kicked me out if the situation was different, but to actaully tell me that you're going to charge me a late fee when the first few months I paid my rent on the 1st. After I realized that they're more or less slumlords (even though it could be a really nice building if they gave a shit about it) I started to not give a shit about being on time...which I think is understandable. After all, if I don't get what I want in a timely manner, why should they?
I'm now going to call the Metropolitan Tenants Organization on Monday so that I can hopefully get the building inspected so they're forced to fix these things and put in a grievance against them for negligence. After that I honestly hope they try and kick me out so that I can sue their asses off.
Side note: they're building a 5 Million dollar house about a block away from my building that's surrounded by much smaller, simpler houses making their's an eyesore that doesn't fit in one bit.
If they want a war, I'll give them a war....
More updates to come when I have them. Stay tuned
p.s. moving out is not an option
Some history....I moved in November of '05. The apartment was, and is unrenovated (meaning really old and crappy) so they told me if I wanted to repaint it myself then I didn't have to give them a security deposit. I agreed. They also told me that they aren't going to be using a written lease. I found that kind of strange but agreed and moved in. That's when things started to go downhill...and fast. Over the next few months I told them that my fridge was leaking on the inside. They said they were going to give me the fridge from the apartment that they were about to renovate across the hall from me. I said great and waited....and waited...and waited. That fridge ended up getting hauled away and probably tossed. My fridge still leaks to this day.
Fast forward to summer of '06. I'm taking a shower, put my shampoo bottle down on the tile ledge and 2 of the tiles fall through inbetween the tub and wall. I call up the landlord and he tells me he'll fix it. I then call him every single day until it's actually fixed. It takes him 27 DAYS! Oh by the way, did I mention that they own a construction company and could of had this fixed the very next day if they gave two shits about me...
Fast forward to that fall (around Sept-Oct of '06). I call them up and tell them that the windows in my apartment are falling apart. The frame has been eaten away by nature over the years and need to be fixed or replaced. He comes and takes a look at it and tells me that he can't fix them and that he won't replace them. He actually refused to replace the windows where I can move the entire frame with my hand very easily! At the very least he should be worried that the window might fall out onto the sidewalk below and land on someone's head and then sue the crap out of him.
Fast forward to a week or two later. I call them up and tell them that my bathtub is leaking when I take a shower. They do nothing. I told them several more times. The last time I tell him about it he has the balls to tell me "If the apartment below you gets water damage I'll have to completely renovate your apartment which will make the rent go up. Fix it yourself". That made me a tad angered as I'm sure you can understand. I end up finding out that every time I took a shower, it rained into the tub in the place below me....which had then begun to be redone. I take some silicone and fix it myself, then dock all expenses and labor from my rent check (totalling $75). At this point it's common knowledge that the landlord of this building will not fix anything for anyone (even the businesses on the first floor).
I then get my monthly phonecall this morning from the wife that she needs the rent and if I'm late again she's going to start charging me a late fee! Now, I'd understand this completely if they were on the ball with repairs. Hell, I'd even understand if they kicked me out if the situation was different, but to actaully tell me that you're going to charge me a late fee when the first few months I paid my rent on the 1st. After I realized that they're more or less slumlords (even though it could be a really nice building if they gave a shit about it) I started to not give a shit about being on time...which I think is understandable. After all, if I don't get what I want in a timely manner, why should they?
I'm now going to call the Metropolitan Tenants Organization on Monday so that I can hopefully get the building inspected so they're forced to fix these things and put in a grievance against them for negligence. After that I honestly hope they try and kick me out so that I can sue their asses off.
Side note: they're building a 5 Million dollar house about a block away from my building that's surrounded by much smaller, simpler houses making their's an eyesore that doesn't fit in one bit.
If they want a war, I'll give them a war....
More updates to come when I have them. Stay tuned
p.s. moving out is not an option
you do a damn fine job 

Gray takes out knee caps for free