Hummm...a set working on my car. Now, i dig it, but i am pretty sure its been done. Alissa and I have a set plan in the works and will hopefully shoot it in the next month or so. We are both very busy girls. But, i will keep the car thing in mind. Umm....grease monkey.....
Just got in from NH. While there I flew in the recirculating wind tunnel. Bad ass. Anybody out there who digs tunnel flying, you have GOT to do it in the recirculating...AWESOME! Not so awesome, flying NWA and being delayed forever because of "unscheduled maintenance." makes you feel warm and fuzzy when you hear that over the loud speaker.
Waiting to save up the dinerno to buy a new powerbook. I am currently on a lap top with 800Mhz of processing power. its can barely handle itunes. Which is also why i dont post any pics often. way too time consuming and a total hassle.
Alright, thats it for now.
Just got in from NH. While there I flew in the recirculating wind tunnel. Bad ass. Anybody out there who digs tunnel flying, you have GOT to do it in the recirculating...AWESOME! Not so awesome, flying NWA and being delayed forever because of "unscheduled maintenance." makes you feel warm and fuzzy when you hear that over the loud speaker.
Waiting to save up the dinerno to buy a new powerbook. I am currently on a lap top with 800Mhz of processing power. its can barely handle itunes. Which is also why i dont post any pics often. way too time consuming and a total hassle.
Alright, thats it for now.
that would be a very interesting set theme if you do it... so you have my vote
it is sick on how fast you need to up date computers... Really I am up on both the PC and Mac... Both are over 4 years old and that is retirement age in Technology-years. MUAH !!!!!!