I've been busy and haven't had much time to get on here and write.
Tonight is baked garlic and lemon salmon, with a side of brown rice and fresh veggies. Yum. I like to cook, but only when it is not just for myself. Way too much work and mess for one person.
As promised, a short, but definitive, "Why I appreciate the word Cunt"
Lets look for a moment at words that describe the female genitalia: vagina, pussy, vag, vajayjay, cooter, beaver, poontang, coochy....the list goes on. However, none of these words has quite the enunciation, or laconic verse of the most common used slang for the penis. Off the top of my head: cock, dick, dong, prick, rod, pecker, tool, wang...ect.
Now, my gender blind affiliates, what are the major differences? beaver and pussy can both be related to little furry animals. Cock is a large angry male chicken, and tool, while, think power tools. Thus I feel that even slang words for the female body parts have been overly genderized much like the rest of our society.
Which brings me to CUNT. Cunt. cunt. cunt. cunt. I would like to put cunt right up there as the counterpart of cock. Men have cocks, chicks have cunts. For some socialized reason calling someone a cunt is a far worse slur than cock. However, I say NO MORE! Fear not the hard consonant epitaph of the female genitalia. Be proud! I have a cunt! and I LOVE IT!
That is all.
P.s. I would like to mention that word does not have cunt in its dictionary. Well, it does now!
Tonight is baked garlic and lemon salmon, with a side of brown rice and fresh veggies. Yum. I like to cook, but only when it is not just for myself. Way too much work and mess for one person.
As promised, a short, but definitive, "Why I appreciate the word Cunt"
Lets look for a moment at words that describe the female genitalia: vagina, pussy, vag, vajayjay, cooter, beaver, poontang, coochy....the list goes on. However, none of these words has quite the enunciation, or laconic verse of the most common used slang for the penis. Off the top of my head: cock, dick, dong, prick, rod, pecker, tool, wang...ect.
Now, my gender blind affiliates, what are the major differences? beaver and pussy can both be related to little furry animals. Cock is a large angry male chicken, and tool, while, think power tools. Thus I feel that even slang words for the female body parts have been overly genderized much like the rest of our society.
Which brings me to CUNT. Cunt. cunt. cunt. cunt. I would like to put cunt right up there as the counterpart of cock. Men have cocks, chicks have cunts. For some socialized reason calling someone a cunt is a far worse slur than cock. However, I say NO MORE! Fear not the hard consonant epitaph of the female genitalia. Be proud! I have a cunt! and I LOVE IT!

That is all.
P.s. I would like to mention that word does not have cunt in its dictionary. Well, it does now!
I agree with you totally. Reclaim the power of the word "cunt."
Maybe we can think of some reverse, less tough-sounding, names for cocks. My nominee: cush.
Welcome to a fellow Michigander! Wish I'd found you before you became famous and deluged with emails.
You're quite obviously very intelligent, witty, and connected to your seductive power.