This is what I did today. Got up and ate breakfast. Went back and watched "Return of the King". Went back to sleep. Got up and ate lunch. Then came back and went to sleep. Got up and played a game of Madden football. Went to the office to check my emails and then ate dinner. Now I am about to go play some more PS2 then go back to sleep. That is what I call a day off 

68 days huh? That is wonderful! I hope that works outs for you guys. Stay safe out there.

Thanks man, so far so good, I've been nowhere yet, just bases, but having the whole battalion together is cool, we'll be good. We'll be in a halfway decent place out there too, no sand, we're gonna be near some water so I guess it's supposed to be pretty lush. Your girl has given me some good advice as well leading up to leaving which was much appreciated. Hopefully you'll get home soon. Stay safe.