Hey everyone! So last blog was about me getting dreadlocks. its been just over 2 weeks and its been super interesting. I had a lot of people tell me what to expect and every bit of it was true. You have good hair days and bad hair days. I start to do one thing to my dreads and then find out its a bad idea. I've played around with different types of shampoos and by far dr bronners is my fav! I started four little ones around my neck with this shampoo and within a week they were looking really awesome. Once I did my entire head I switched to knotty boy shampoo and it just made the dreads fluffy and fall apart. Dr. Bronners feels clean,smells awesome and tightens my dreads so much. Ps my husband hates how strong smelling knotty boy shampoo was. Anyways I have one very annoying dread that likes to stay flat no matter how much palm rolling I do. I also already have a favorite and its bigger then the rest. I did go with larger dreads, I have no idea what size they will be when they mature but I know they are on the larger side. I think I have 36. I washed my hair on monday and this morning I noticed my left side is looking awesome and i got super excited until I noticed my right side is being lame! Its alot fluffier and wild. My dreads are doing there own thing and its whatever. I cant wait till I can just leave the house without pulling my hair back or up and hiding it under a bandana. I just wanna roll out of bed and go...while looking good lol
Anyways I dont have good pictures and my hair is dark so its hard to see what they look like but this is what I got:
This is what they looked like the first day.
This is after a week...I think.

This is what they looked like the first day.

This is after a week...I think.

I love the knotty boy shampoo myself, i tried bronners and i didnt like it, it felt funny to me, but then i read the ingredients and theres coconut in it which im allergic to so i guess thats why.