As people from the bay area would say, It has been a minute! lol omg my friend would always say that and I just never understood why you would say its been a minute to refer to it being a really long time...A minute is only 60 seconds lol ANYWAYS I finally left san diego and is settled in my house in washington.It is so...
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Hey everyone! So last blog was about me getting dreadlocks. its been just over 2 weeks and its been super interesting. I had a lot of people tell me what to expect and every bit of it was true. You have good hair days and bad hair days. I start to do one thing to my dreads and then find out its a bad idea....
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holy crap, Dreads are awesome, it took me 8 hours to do my wife's dreads. Google Dread support groups and they will tell you how to keep your hair healthy and manage it. The first month is the worst and very "itchy", take care and dreads kick ass!!
they look good! yeah at first i hid mine cause they looked so fin crazy, now im to a point where they actually look like dreadlocks and not like i stuck my finger in an electric socket.
I love the knotty boy shampoo myself, i tried bronners and i didnt like it, it felt funny to me, but then i read the ingredients and theres coconut in it which im allergic to so i guess thats why.
I love the knotty boy shampoo myself, i tried bronners and i didnt like it, it felt funny to me, but then i read the ingredients and theres coconut in it which im allergic to so i guess thats why.
I did it! I have dreads and I love them! I will post pics when they are not so frizzy. I use a crochet hook and after a week the four I started out with looked damn good so give me a week and I will show you what they look like.
It could be interesting

haha, i felt like an ICP fanatic the first 2 days of my dreads, cause they were super poofy and frizzy. i dont know why i linked it with icp in my mind, but i thought i looked like one of those "juggalo" kids
You look beautiful!
post pics when you do your dreads, are you doin the whole head or leaving bangs?
I'm so fucking stoked right now! I have been working out,eating right(doing weight watchers)and I haven't seen much results till this past week. I started taking lipo six black for her pills again and I think they are helping a lot. I know, I know diet pills are bad blah blah blah. So anyways I weighed 153 on augest 6th and this morning I weigh...
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I want so badly to go to the ink n undies show in la! My hubby who would love to go is out to sea and of course i have no friends in s.d
Life kinda stinks right about now.

if i was there, i would go w/ u =)
I took my puppy to the dog park!
I knew I was getting my garbage disposal replaced while I was gone, but the guy took a shit in my bathroom and left a floater I am not ok with this.
I have a new tattoo Im saving up for and luckily my bday is coming up so im asking for a donation instead of...
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I knew I was getting my garbage disposal replaced while I was gone, but the guy took a shit in my bathroom and left a floater I am not ok with this.
I have a new tattoo Im saving up for and luckily my bday is coming up so im asking for a donation instead of...
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Ewww hahaha
That is very random...All Blogs should roll that way!
Its been awhile since I posted a blog, I have a pretty boring life and not much to share, but i'm going to try and be more active on SG. I just had my husbands family visit which was really nice. We spent most of the time hiking and showing them our favorite beaches. We went to one beach that had tons of jelly fish...
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so i had to go look at the last blog to see your finger. wow. ouch. lol
glad its healed up well
best of luck with the insanity workout, and the weight loss =]
glad its healed up well
best of luck with the insanity workout, and the weight loss =]
Radeo is the SHIIITTT! I LOVE Her!
As for the working out thing, Im also tryin to drop weight before My Hubby comes back...He's off in Iraq. Im hoping to lose at least 25Lbs....
As for the working out thing, Im also tryin to drop weight before My Hubby comes back...He's off in Iraq. Im hoping to lose at least 25Lbs....
I am so stupid! Yesterday I was making breakfast at 5 am while my hubby was getting ready for work.SO I was cooking an egg while my english muffin was in the toaster and then I grabbed the sausage patties out of the freezer. There was 2 patties stuck together and here is what I ready? I decided it would be a good idea...
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WOW Lady! Don't feel too bad; I work in a kitchen & I know better than to do that sort of thing & I still did it. I did the exact same thing, just not as bad. I'm sorry you got cut like that, tough lesson to learn.
WHOA! craziness. no nerve damage, i hope.
I feel so weak right now! My legs are shaking and I want to give up! Im in the middle of Max cardio conditioning from the workout program insanity and I want to cry! My legs are sooo sore my shoulders burn, everything on my body hurts and I want to give up on todays work out! 5 minute break is going on ten and...
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Hoped you found the strength to go on with your work out. I have no idea what Max cardio conditioning is, but it sounds extremely exhausting.
sorry sweets, soak in a hot bath
you're freakin' adorable btw