Artist in Motion
Spiders screaming in the twilight hour,
Conjuring the webs of passing time,
Dwelling within fears of many,
Perfection in their movements,
Humor in their actions this eve,
Can their brilliance ever fail?
Many are born this night,
To carry out their destiny in harmony,
Leaving beings in awe of their creations,
Atop they sit,
Protection in shadows,
Waiting the eve to come again,
To sing their song,
With admiration to all.
Spiders screaming in the twilight hour,
Conjuring the webs of passing time,
Dwelling within fears of many,
Perfection in their movements,
Humor in their actions this eve,
Can their brilliance ever fail?
Many are born this night,
To carry out their destiny in harmony,
Leaving beings in awe of their creations,
Atop they sit,
Protection in shadows,
Waiting the eve to come again,
To sing their song,
With admiration to all.