Ack! So I'm really worried about my girl. She's off on the mainland for a month, and was supposed to call me 2 days ago. Been trying to get in touch with her, but she lacks an answerng macine, and her cell is off. Man, I hope she didn't get into a car crash/get abducted by aliens/get detained as a threat to homeland security/etc. Hope...
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Yeah, I seriously liked the Hulk. I love comic books and I think it was well done. I'm not a bitter bitch....It was a fun ride.
Yet another fun filled weekend in Honolulu. It's like a billion degrees here. My friend from Seattle, who I am meant to be hanging out with steeped on a bee yesterday, and discovered, much to his dismay that he is extremely alergic to the little bastards. Poor guy was supposed to be the best man in a wedding today.

I think being hung over makes...
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Yikes!! frown

You're in Honolulu?? That's where I was born, many moons ago at Tripler. We visited there 2 years ago; it was the first time I'd been back since the big natal event. Great place; hope to go back again soon.

Ok, I think my broken heart has been repaired. Girls are strange. I think this is the last time I will try this - if this doesn't work out, I'm going to shave my head and become a monk.

So, anyone besides me have a broken heart?

Today is going to be a strange day. Looks like the plan is to go to a star trek convention, then off to a wedding. It's going to be like a nerd batchelor party.

So I made it to Japan. Heading off to the office in a few minutes, but I just wanted to update in case anyone is following my progress. Rolled into Narita last night and caught the Limosine Bus into Chiba to the Makuhari Price hotel. I have a single about half the size of my kithcen at home. It's a little difficult to get around...
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Allright kids, I'm off and running to the land of the rising sun today. Looks like I am going to be in transit for like 12 hours. I dunno about you, but it disturbs me to be in non-places for extended periods of time. Airports, planes, busses, trains. Places where you only are if you are on your way to somewhere else. Always makes me...
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Ugh, only a week or so unitl I get shipped off to Japan. I should probably be more excited than I am. This is a working trip, so it's more of a bother than anything else.
So I get home from my adventures on Oahu last night, and decide to have a gin and tonic to wind down from the plane ride. While sipping on my concotion, a freind of mine calls up. For some reason, if I am talking to a buddy on the phone while drinking, I shift into "bar mode"

Needless to say, I am a little hung...
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