so being the single bachelor that I am, my married friends are at constant odds with me for being single. "why don't you find you a nice girl?" or " you ever going to settle down?" seem to be the beginnings and ends to most of my conversations with them. they just have a hard time believing I'm truly happy being alone. a long time friend and his wife are always introducing me to their single friends in hopes that I'm going to shout out "you are the one!" "lets go halphsy's on a baby or two!" but the fact of the matter is that I'm not that kind of guy, I don't really care to go out and mingle till I find someone as desperate and afraid to die alone as myself, I know I won't find them due to the fact that I'm not either of those things. I don't feel the need to kling onto someone that I share a bond with, nor will I sacrifice my values or standards to get laid. I'm just not that desperate... a friend told me yesterday that he was talking with a co-worker about who in our community is single. she being the one to ask, was looking to go on a date with a man, any man, who could make her smile. two days before that she was eating with some friends in my very bar and grill. we seemed to hit it off quite well, and I remember making her laugh the entire time, she had a great smile, and seemed to be genuine...flash forward to her conversation with my friend he said "what about that guy knowguud? he seems to be quite the catch." and her reply was this: "he's really not very attractive, he makes me laugh and he stands on his own feet, but he's not very attractive..." what the fuck???!!!
apparently she's only single because she spent too much time taking classes on how to be a shallow bitch... she went instantly from good looking to I wouldn't touch her with stolen hands in no-time flat!!! bitch, please!!!
needless to say, i'll not be calling her to see if she wants to catch a matinée...