me n taco gone sleep all day and maybe act like theres a world outside... maybe...

so being the single bachelor that I am, my married friends are at constant odds with me for being single. "why don't you find you a nice girl?" or " you ever going to settle down?" seem to be the beginnings and ends to most of my conversations with them. they just have a hard time believing I'm truly happy being alone. a long time...
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so being the single bachelor that I am, my married friends are at constant odds with me for being single. "why don't you find you a nice girl?" or " you ever going to settle down?" seem to be the beginnings and ends to most of my conversations with them. they just have a hard time believing I'm truly happy being alone. a long time...
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some of my artworks

art done by maryn charles and brendo carl
working on some cool art pieces for some friends, and also have a show/festival thing in Nebraska july 12th-? liking what I'm seeing so far...
this morning the oldest of all my close family was found in her home dead... the intial shock is beginning to wear off. now I'm just recalling good times. times that others might find disturbing are quite normal in my family. for example, I used to live across the street from erin some years back, fresah out of rehab and crawling out of my skinlong...
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finally get to do a bit of the old tonite, it's just a car repo but I kinda miss the thrill. tired of people mistaking my kindness for weakness. the know good gibbons is comin on back...