So, i am beginning to loathe the interenet. i have a FB and the myspace but am beginning to retire to my sense to realize that the popular vote goes to the popular. What is wrong with the world??? A good ole fashion fucked up child of the 70's can't find her way??????? i have Xtreme anti- views on politics, food, and social standards but yet I'm the Norm but not the norm~ As a 30 year old women you would think i would jive with someone yet her i am.
Somebuddy could be honest aside from hey yer tits are great....
you all suk!
Somebuddy could be honest aside from hey yer tits are great....
you all suk!
I'm in the same boat as you are, except i'm not a woman.
I can jive with you, just hit me up if you want. BTW, how's your business going?

happy holidays to you and your family !