So ive been actually leaving comments lately... Im impressed with my damn self.
Thanks giving roked even thou i didnt invite my mom. Its Volts b-day monday so we had peeps over last nite but they werent interested in chat at all. My annual Christmas drink-a-thon is on the 15th n im simply excited- Baby Violet is 6 months and getting huge. Her sheer determination to conquer the world amazes me. Shes quite the eager beaver- growing and exploring its fun!!! Love you all Lyn
Thanks giving roked even thou i didnt invite my mom. Its Volts b-day monday so we had peeps over last nite but they werent interested in chat at all. My annual Christmas drink-a-thon is on the 15th n im simply excited- Baby Violet is 6 months and getting huge. Her sheer determination to conquer the world amazes me. Shes quite the eager beaver- growing and exploring its fun!!! Love you all Lyn
I bet Violet is getting sooo cute!!! take care babe and check in here more than twice a year ok? hahah