- on knotty1's page
So, i am beginning to loathe the interenet. i have a FB and the myspace but am beginning to retire to my sense to realize that the popular vote goes to the popular. What is wrong with the world??? A good ole fashion fucked up child of the 70's can't find her way??????? i have Xtreme anti- views on politics, food, and social standards but...
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I'm in the same boat as you are, except i'm not a woman.
I can jive with you, just hit me up if you want. BTW, how's your business going?

happy holidays to you and your family !
WoW i suk. I dont even remember who died in my last post. Had to be miserable cuz ever since i went to a four year olds funeral i swore no mo till i died. Barely went to my dads
SO I SUK AT POSTING NEW BLOGS!!! Next year- i'll do better. I have a funeral to got to on friday and it is very sad. Hi to all and i hope this finds you in good health-
I'm in good health. Maybe my health is a little too good, but meh. 
Where you at?

Where you at?

Huntington!!!! I LOVE THAT Place!!
I went surfing there with a few buddies a looong time ago and we went to this sushi place right on the beach, drank sake out of these juice boxes, the sets were good...... *sigh*, I miss Huntington Beach.
I went surfing there with a few buddies a looong time ago and we went to this sushi place right on the beach, drank sake out of these juice boxes, the sets were good...... *sigh*, I miss Huntington Beach.

New Post my new years resolution is sukin it hard. I am so truelly sorry for not being here in days but.... you know what my battles are. I am having the most stressful time of my life even thou my business is doing well. My man is in new home construction and even thou he roks at what he do he wont find some...
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Hello SuicideGirls friend! This message is copied and pasted, but that doesn't mean I don't still love you, it simply means I prefer the ability to play bass as opposed to carpal-tunnel-from-re-typing! Haha!
If you can read this, that means I would really appreciate it if you were to check out my band, The Wrecktals! We just recorded a demo, and a couple tracks are up on MySpace, and then a track-or-two-that's-not-on-MySpace is on FaceBook.
We really wanna make friends with you! Seriously! That's one thing that a lot of bands hate... There's this nice fat fucking gap between fan and artist. Fuck that gap. Gaps need to be fucked. Fuck it! The Gap that is! So go there! And tell us what you think!
And if you are super-friendly and rad and awesome! You caaaan...
And again, please tell us what you think! And if you know anybody who likes their punk and ska and hardcore... Please pass the good word on!
Look! We're like Rancid! Can we have some street cred now?
This band is my baby. We are going to be successful (in terms of creating that feeling in someone's chest when they hear that song they love, not "successful" as in "money"). It's our dream and it's gonna happen through our own hard work and passion and love for radness!
But like I said, we have a demo out. You pay $4 and you get eight (wicked-quality) tracks that last almost half-an-hour, some sweet DIY eye-candy, and instant immortality/karma! That's right! Everyone who buys our demo will have their name immortalized somewhere on the next release! So make sure we know who you are! We want to thank each and every one of you who actually listened to us!
We're playing lots of rad underground shows and we support all of those who make music for the sake of creation and expression. I've been to every fucking band I can imagine within five-bajillion-miles of me, so the favour better be returned!
My name is Christoph, but most people call me Slut (short for PunkerSlut)... And you can call me Susan, if it makes you happy... But on behalf of The Wrecktals, thank you for your time! I hope you like us!
'Cause if you read all this, it means we already like you!
Live. Love. Unity.
If you can read this, that means I would really appreciate it if you were to check out my band, The Wrecktals! We just recorded a demo, and a couple tracks are up on MySpace, and then a track-or-two-that's-not-on-MySpace is on FaceBook.
We really wanna make friends with you! Seriously! That's one thing that a lot of bands hate... There's this nice fat fucking gap between fan and artist. Fuck that gap. Gaps need to be fucked. Fuck it! The Gap that is! So go there! And tell us what you think!
And if you are super-friendly and rad and awesome! You caaaan...
And again, please tell us what you think! And if you know anybody who likes their punk and ska and hardcore... Please pass the good word on!

Look! We're like Rancid! Can we have some street cred now?


This band is my baby. We are going to be successful (in terms of creating that feeling in someone's chest when they hear that song they love, not "successful" as in "money"). It's our dream and it's gonna happen through our own hard work and passion and love for radness!
But like I said, we have a demo out. You pay $4 and you get eight (wicked-quality) tracks that last almost half-an-hour, some sweet DIY eye-candy, and instant immortality/karma! That's right! Everyone who buys our demo will have their name immortalized somewhere on the next release! So make sure we know who you are! We want to thank each and every one of you who actually listened to us!
We're playing lots of rad underground shows and we support all of those who make music for the sake of creation and expression. I've been to every fucking band I can imagine within five-bajillion-miles of me, so the favour better be returned!
My name is Christoph, but most people call me Slut (short for PunkerSlut)... And you can call me Susan, if it makes you happy... But on behalf of The Wrecktals, thank you for your time! I hope you like us!
'Cause if you read all this, it means we already like you!
Live. Love. Unity.
tryin to participate babyV gots a littletoof and life is hard... no sleep for the wicked. MERRY CHRISTMAS
I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas!
So ive been actually leaving comments lately... Im impressed with my damn self.
Thanks giving roked even thou i didnt invite my mom. Its Volts b-day monday so we had peeps over last nite but they werent interested in chat at all. My annual Christmas drink-a-thon is on the 15th n im simply excited- Baby Violet is 6 months and getting huge. Her sheer determination...
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Thanks giving roked even thou i didnt invite my mom. Its Volts b-day monday so we had peeps over last nite but they werent interested in chat at all. My annual Christmas drink-a-thon is on the 15th n im simply excited- Baby Violet is 6 months and getting huge. Her sheer determination...
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I bet Violet is getting sooo cute!!! take care babe and check in here more than twice a year ok? hahah
Does anyone read these anymo. i think i keep them short enuff but whatever. i miss this place. it'll be my new years resolution to devote myself to my commitments again. I've kind seperated myself i know but im not handling everything so swell. Left foot and then the right rite?
i read them - how are you? how's the newborn? everyone is healthy i hope. take care and best wishes for your family during the holidays.
I envy you cuz you're so hot and I'm not.
I read, I don't read as fast as everyone else but I read.
I eat turkey while it still says "gobble gobble". Muahahah.

myfire is 90 percent contained but the winds are a comin !!!!!!!!!!! thank god im insured!!! ive been so bored lately but ive been so busy hows that work . i need a change-
Busy yet bored is possible simply because, if you're busy doing the same thing over and over again, it gets boring
I'm glad the fires are mostly contained. I hope they don't come around you any more.
<3 K

I'm glad the fires are mostly contained. I hope they don't come around you any more.
<3 K
Now everyone is sik incl. the man. and we mite have to evacuate cuz these fires. Its scary when the sky rains ash and the news wont tell you anything you want to know. If it wasnt rite here i would think these fires are almost out but that is not the case... not even close. They are still huge and the smoke is thick...
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OMG hon. Be careful, get all of your valuables and irreplaceable things packed up now so you're ready to go if you have to. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope that you're all just fine and dandy and that you're all feeling better soon.
<3 K
<3 K
Be safe.
The baby got me sik!!!! pass the tissue and dose me up on nyquil i hate flu season
Oh no! I hope you and the bubs are better soon.
<3 K
<3 K
okay my baby dont wanna sleep. she is in the other room wide awake and squealing with delite... my five year old has her second day of kindergarten tomorrow in 6 hours. someone shoot me. I got my tubes tied last friday but not before i got pregnant again, luckily thae baby didnt stik. i give up on sex- now shes unhappy and i have...
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Wow, you've certainly been busy lately. I hope the little one will let you get some rest soon.
How does your big girl like school? I have to say, now that the kids are back in school, and I'm back on some sort of "schedule" I'm feeling much better.
Well, not mentally but that's a whole other ball of wax
<3 K
How does your big girl like school? I have to say, now that the kids are back in school, and I'm back on some sort of "schedule" I'm feeling much better.
Well, not mentally but that's a whole other ball of wax

<3 K
wow a freaking update!! sounds crazy there as it is here too....my tallest went to his first day of j/k and shit...
missing you
missing you
okay so noone liked my last blog. I have been so busy that my updates have been brief. Three kids is harderthan i thought it would be. I get tired just waking up.... Its my birthday on sunday and im okay with that. I hope all is well with people and ill blog ya soon
Shes doing good! Shes huge! and yours?
yah 3 is a nightmare sometimes and so rewarding too at times......