Boner Ghosts...
Most of you may not have heard of these little gremlins... but you deal with them. If you get a boner, and you don't exercise the demon seed.... it CAN and will haunt you in small ways for up to two weeks. Can't find yr keys??? BONER GHOST moved them. Lights flicker??? Boner ghost...
So like the doctors say... rub the ghosts up, and you will sleep better.
Thank You
(from the mind of knots)
Most of you may not have heard of these little gremlins... but you deal with them. If you get a boner, and you don't exercise the demon seed.... it CAN and will haunt you in small ways for up to two weeks. Can't find yr keys??? BONER GHOST moved them. Lights flicker??? Boner ghost...
So like the doctors say... rub the ghosts up, and you will sleep better.
Thank You
(from the mind of knots)
I'm afraid what he says is correct. I have a couple of ghosts playing havoc with my living room lamp, and my intercom handset. The handset one seems to be on its way out, but the lamp ghost is getting stronger each day.
TEDs I would help, but I have my own manifestations to deal with.
Good luck my friend.