So I bought a new car, I don't know weather to be happy or be fuckin scared shitless. Ive never had good luck with cars. Just take that last vehical I owned for instance. The first week I owned it, I was mistaken for someone that this dude had major issues with, and him and a group of his hoodlums proceeded to fallow me for like a week, I had the slightest Idea. Come to find out they were planning on riddling it with bullets, the only thing that saved me was that a cousin of the guy is one of my good friends and told him that I wasn't the guy they were looking for. Weird. About 2 months later I was at a party, having a grand old time, when all of a sudden some chick turns down the music and says. "Ummm Somebodies care is on fire outside." and of course it was mine, totally engullfed in flames, 2 AM in the middle of a house party, so fuckin embarrasing. Some dude tried to put it out with a garden hose and that just seemed to make it worse. It got so bad the fire department had to be called, It almost burned the whole neighborhood down. Fucked up shit.

What was I saying? Oh yeah, the Sox are going down next season! Hard!