What's Up???? So I didn't go anywhere this weekend....A dude walked out in the middle of a shift friday night so now we're shorthanded so of course I came to the rescue, as always...cuz im the shit like that...I don't mind becuz this dudes departure means more $$$ and that is always good. H was kind of a douche anyway and everyone celebrated him quitting. Fuck him....
Annnnd the Red Sox fuckin won! Tomorrow Nite 8 PM RED SOX VS. YANKEES. I know you all will be watching...Its imperitive for the Red Sox to win this series, im going on a murderous rampage if they don't. Fuck the YANKEES! Hope everyone is doing well...Until next time.

Oh no you di-int! You did not go and call me out about my Yankees! Damn, it's going to hurt BAD when the Red Sux lose again. And they will. Trust me. Schilling... Pedro... Manny... it won't matter. Say goodnight bi-otch!

I put a hex on you and all Red Sox fans! Who's your Daddy! Good luck winning with a new curse cast against you...