It's 7:30 in the fuckin morning ahhhhhhh
im going off cape for my boys trial date, im so fuckin tired im waiting for this chick to pick me up she's late of course, after telling me to make sure im ready by 7 AM! Maybe I should invest in a new car so I don't have to live by everyone else's fucked up schedules??? This is the earliest Ive been up since like High School I swear to god. Whatever, I saw an awesome movie last night, im sure everbody has already seen it but just in case you haven't it's Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind. Real different movie, got me thinking about life and love and all that good shit. I got a few memories id sure as hell like to erase, but don't we all?...This weekend im probably going to the city, go to the Avalon and the Matrix, get drunk, pop pills, whatever, keep it real, have a nice weekend..Marilyn Manson in 49 days and counting. Im so fuckin excited I could

as for the movie, you got me interested now so i'm going to rent it
ps. WELCOME TO SG Boston... thats where I saw you.
[Edited on Oct 11, 2004 6:42PM]