Listen to Nevermind, a timeless classic, Nirvana is one of those bands that I will never get sick of listening to while other bands will come and go, they'll always will be a favorite. Anyway, Today was fairly good beside my boss having me do random acts that had nothing to do with my job, since when is a chef a foreman? whatever, he can blow me. Friday is gonna suck, I gotta go to my boys 2nd court date he's been in jail since last month for a pretty serious drug charge, he has 100,000 bail and I don't know if he's gonna be able to get out, Hopefully all will go well, I feel so bad for him, he's on lock down 23 hours a day. Id go crazy under those circumstances, he seems to be doing alright considering his situation. Its these times that I wish life had a rewind button so u can clean up any mistake that fucks shit up...anyway if u want holla at me yo!!!!
I'll let you know, I can ask a couple of people I know who are Sound Engineirs.

hey, im from right downtown boston, where i go to school. you have a great taste in music! you should IM me sometime, at aenimartifice.