thank you @tchabada for tagging my in this! 😈😈
1-do you like bleu cheese ? I'm crazy about all cheese I try to eat only vegan cheese...
2-coke or pepsi : PepsiCo
3. do you own a gun ?No just my kitchen knife 😈😈
4. what flavor kool aid ? i had to google
5.what do you think of hot dogs ? Veggie hot dog = life
6.favortie TV show ? Capitaine harlock, dragon hall, sailor Moon (see my back tattoos)
7.favorite movies ? ''le château ambulant'' (Ghibli ❤️)
8-what do you drink in the morning ? Tea, because tea IS life
9-can you do a pushup ? i think i can do like 20, and then die
10- favorite jewelriy ? My armlace à présent n'y a Friend! (Not bf or ex bf 😂)
11-favorite hobby ? Gamiiinnnngg
12-do you have a d h d? What ?
13-do you wear glasses ? Yes before september :(
And sunglasses everytime I got sensible êtes.
15-three things i did today ? Rest, sex, and eat. (Liiffee)
16-three things i drink regularly tea, water, lemonade.
17-current dislike ? Rascist ans people who had problème with my lifestyle.
18-favoriteplace to go ? Aller around the World ❤️
19-how did you bring in the new year ? Stop rating animal cheese. 😇 (For Turn vegan 100%
20-where would you like to go ? Japan
21-name five people who wil do that @helynn @prettyangie @louiskyyy @brisen @elerancida
22-favorite color ? red. Like my enemies bloooddd 😂😂😂 (darrrkkk)
23-do you like to sleep on satin sheets ? Yes, si sweetness
24-can you whislte ? I just tried to check and yes I can !
25-what are you doing right now ? this test in my bed.
26-would you be a pirate ? 🎶🎵 YOU ARE A PIRATE 🎵🎶
27-favorite food ? Cheese.
28-last thing that made me laugh? Bullshit from @tcha!
29-last time you received flowers ? Sincères 3years by my ex 😂
30-most recent injury ? Yesterday BC I touch à poor snail with my feet ><
31-how many pets are in your house ? 2 my cat ans my roommate car, si 2lovely baby ❤️
32.wors pain ever: When I need to forget someone BC life change...
33-do you like to dance ? I'm top old tor that (except When I'm drunk)
34-are your parents still alive? Yes.
35-do you love yourlife ? Yes, exept m'y health :(
36-summer or winter ? SUMMER because nude and booobbbsss!
And don't forget to give me your love on my new set on MR : Life IS a jack'' ! ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘
@knivy tas saute plusieurs trucs xD
I have to say that No.9 is my favourite! Can you do a push up? I can do 20 and then die hahaha!