Whenever I'm bored on the internet and I remember that Sgirl's livejournal...I check it and am always consistently amazed by the number of people and MEMBERS OF THIS SITE WHO I KNOW- talking shit!
MEMBERS! (I know who you are you assholes.) God, it's disheartening.
I live by the rule "TALK SHIT, GET HIT."
Seriously, if you dislike this site so much, leave. Leave. We don't need anymore naysayers here.
Some girls (cough cough) have extreme body image issues and view this website as a kind of therapy- it's nice to feel welcomed and loved for your face, body, personality, whatever. It kills me to think that there are people out there scutinizing our pictures and blogs and...well, everything!
People are being exploited way worse in this day and age, if you're going to gossip and get all worked up over something, make it something GOOD! Child Labor! Minimum wage! Race and gender issues! Fuck, anything but SG.
The girls who are on this site are on here by choice, we don't need someone watching our every move and reporting it t a bunch of under-age wanna-bes who have nothing better to do with thier shitty lives than talk about US.
Y'know...I'd love to be one of the "top ten" SG's and be super-ultra popular, but at this point in time, I'm happy that I'm not a regular topic of dicussion on one of these shitty sites.
I'd really love to know why a lot of you girls joined this website. I feel like there's so much more to us then everyone thinks.
I'll start. I hate my body, always have, always will. (In some small way or another.) SG has been a HUGE help in my life, it's made me a more confident person, more outgoing, and willing to take risks. (wearing dresses and heels, that's a BIG change for me!)
When I was a young girl, I'd never wear jeans, I was super-shy, my hair was long and I was a fat, dumpy hippie.
Now, I'm still a little dumpy hippie on the inside, but I've grown into the person that I've always wanted to be; confident, outgoing, wild and a little nutty, but willing to put myself out there regardless of the results!
Missy, all of the ladies on this site and the wonderful members have made such an impact on my life, I'm tearing up just writing this.
Wow, that was long.
Sorry guys. I guess I've been a little emotional lately. You don't have to read this whole long thing, the bottom line is WE RULE. FUCK THE HATERS. TALK SHIT GET HIT.

I love you guys.
MEMBERS! (I know who you are you assholes.) God, it's disheartening.
I live by the rule "TALK SHIT, GET HIT."
Seriously, if you dislike this site so much, leave. Leave. We don't need anymore naysayers here.
Some girls (cough cough) have extreme body image issues and view this website as a kind of therapy- it's nice to feel welcomed and loved for your face, body, personality, whatever. It kills me to think that there are people out there scutinizing our pictures and blogs and...well, everything!
People are being exploited way worse in this day and age, if you're going to gossip and get all worked up over something, make it something GOOD! Child Labor! Minimum wage! Race and gender issues! Fuck, anything but SG.
The girls who are on this site are on here by choice, we don't need someone watching our every move and reporting it t a bunch of under-age wanna-bes who have nothing better to do with thier shitty lives than talk about US.
Y'know...I'd love to be one of the "top ten" SG's and be super-ultra popular, but at this point in time, I'm happy that I'm not a regular topic of dicussion on one of these shitty sites.
I'd really love to know why a lot of you girls joined this website. I feel like there's so much more to us then everyone thinks.
I'll start. I hate my body, always have, always will. (In some small way or another.) SG has been a HUGE help in my life, it's made me a more confident person, more outgoing, and willing to take risks. (wearing dresses and heels, that's a BIG change for me!)
When I was a young girl, I'd never wear jeans, I was super-shy, my hair was long and I was a fat, dumpy hippie.
Now, I'm still a little dumpy hippie on the inside, but I've grown into the person that I've always wanted to be; confident, outgoing, wild and a little nutty, but willing to put myself out there regardless of the results!
Missy, all of the ladies on this site and the wonderful members have made such an impact on my life, I'm tearing up just writing this.
Wow, that was long.
Sorry guys. I guess I've been a little emotional lately. You don't have to read this whole long thing, the bottom line is WE RULE. FUCK THE HATERS. TALK SHIT GET HIT.

I love you guys.
"When I was a young girl, I'd never wear jeans, I was super-shy, my hair was long and I was a fat, dumpy hippie.
Now, I'm still a little dumpy hippie on the inside, but I've grown into the person that I've always wanted to be; confident, outgoing, wild and a little nutty, but willing to put myself out there regardless of the results!"
It's refreshing to read someone be so open and honest--so many people aren't. You really are gorgeous and your spirit shines in your blog/photographs and work. Keep it up, you are inspiring. ^_^