So... first blog post. I can barely keep up with all the site I have to update these days. Well, thats a lie, I spend most of my time at work messing around online, sadly i don't think they'd look on it favorably if I visited SG from work
My SG story for today is about my friends. We tend to spend a lot of time around each others houses on weekends doing what regular crazy people do - getting trashed and talking shit. At one point i see a couple of my friends looking at deviant art and I'm like 'hey shit I got a SG membership you guys need to check this shit out'...cue 7 hours of everyone sitting around the computers trawling the picture archives
<3 SG

My SG story for today is about my friends. We tend to spend a lot of time around each others houses on weekends doing what regular crazy people do - getting trashed and talking shit. At one point i see a couple of my friends looking at deviant art and I'm like 'hey shit I got a SG membership you guys need to check this shit out'...cue 7 hours of everyone sitting around the computers trawling the picture archives

<3 SG
Thanks for the comments on my sets! 

Thanks for the informative posts in the chemical halo group. Do you just have recreational knowledge or from an occupation or something?