I went back to work on Monday. It was good. It's a crappy job but I was going crazy without work. I need something to keep me occupied in this shithole of a home.
More Blogs
Sunday Jan 16, 2005
Well I'm back in school and I"m bald now! I shaved my head this morn… -
Friday Dec 31, 2004
I'll take a new picture of myself tomorrow or try to at any rate. Ne… -
Sunday Dec 26, 2004
I'm drunk I think. is that bad? -
Friday Dec 17, 2004
I went back to work on Monday. It was good. It's a crappy job but I… -
Monday Nov 29, 2004
Alright lets update this doohickey. Finals are next week as well as … -
Saturday Nov 20, 2004
Finals suck and must die. I hate writing papers even though I can do… -
Tuesday Nov 02, 2004
Hmmm election day. Hurray >falls over dead< -
Monday Nov 01, 2004
Well lets see here. It's November 1st I'm in my room bored to tears … -
Wednesday Sep 08, 2004
Well, my first journal entry. I figured what the hell why not. I go…