Ahck who wants to go to work today? Not I said the bear.
Man oh man oh man. Work is kicking the shit out of me.
Hey dude I'm back and I'm in my right mind again

Wow havn't updated in a while. Nothing really new to talk about.
Thought I would update this for the few souls that may actually read it. School is out for a while as summer is here, of course I've got summer school, what fun eh? History of Chicago being my only course it should be relatively easy. 1 more year until my degree it would appear, then I can become a cop. Yes I know, strange police...
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good luck with becoming one of chicago's finest.
definitely not retail.
i take care of kids with disabilities.
i hate retail.
i take care of kids with disabilities.
i hate retail.
They fucking savages are starting to piss me off!
Why doesn't the fucking government take appropriate actions to teach this scum a lesson? When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, they ran over insurgents with tanks, they lined them up an shot them dead. Why doesn't the U.S. do the same fucking thing! Oh wait, because we're a nation of pussy whipped liberals screaming about...
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They fucking savages are starting to piss me off!

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Turns out I'm actually 6'2 and not 6'1 hahahaha whoops.
I figured I'd update my picture. The last one was kind bleh. To dark. Look at my cue ball head! Isn't it special? 

You probably want to know that the first enemy the dear doctor had to face this evening was the Autons

its fake meat. made most of the time from soy
love annie
love annie
Wow this is awesome. I just was contacted out of the blue on www.myspace.com by a friend of mine since we were kids. I havn't spoken to him in god over 10 years and here he finds me. He lives in LA now and works two jobs actually. Stolen directly from his myspace profile hehehehehe here we go. Prosthetic Records
Los Angeles, CA, US
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Los Angeles, CA, US
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It's been a while since I wrote anything. It's understandable given my perpensity for depression. But today is another one of those days you wish didn't exist. Everywhere I turn and look I see happiness and cheerful smiles. Inside though I myself am screaming in rage. Life is what you make it true, but what is it when you try to make it better for...
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Hey man I spent valentines day with a Migraine. The whole time in bed with the lights off vomiting with dagger like pains behind the eyes is no way to spend the day

I kinda wondered if you were even still around. Thanks for the congrats. I'll, uh, try to get famous now, or something.
I'm so utterly fucking alone it's disgusting. There's nothing going on. No one to see and everyone I try to talk to just seems to ignore me. I fucking hate it here. Anyone know a good job that'll take a bald skinny guy?
Alternative porn star?

Hahahaha. The new and well perhaps damaged version of me. It's dark as hell and that's what rocks. I gotta get it shaved again and than I'll break out the Shick Cuatro and take it all the way down.
i didnt say nothin about ur head lol