the air smelled all campfirey over where i worked today (yesturday too). there was a gray to brown haze (real ugly ) over us and the sun was a brilliant red shining thru (that was the pretty part). there are several simultaneous forest and brush fires going on in my surrounding areas. it's really sad to think that all those trees are burning up. i love forests! i wonder if they are put out yet? i hope so.
i saw a preview for that movie "the grudge" and it just gave me chills! how creepy! i can't wait to see it when it comes out!
i think i'm gonna dress up as a fairy for halloween. i found these bitchin black fairy wings at a halloween shop! still don't know what i'm doing that nite...maybe i'll check out the fright factory again this year. ity's a haunted house type of interactive production that you wait hours in line for then run thru it for 15 minutes getting the crap scared out of ya! cool, huh? i have a strange sense of childlike fun in me.
well, i better go on to doing more grown-up duties, like making myself to ya later.
i saw a preview for that movie "the grudge" and it just gave me chills! how creepy! i can't wait to see it when it comes out!
i think i'm gonna dress up as a fairy for halloween. i found these bitchin black fairy wings at a halloween shop! still don't know what i'm doing that nite...maybe i'll check out the fright factory again this year. ity's a haunted house type of interactive production that you wait hours in line for then run thru it for 15 minutes getting the crap scared out of ya! cool, huh? i have a strange sense of childlike fun in me.
well, i better go on to doing more grown-up duties, like making myself to ya later.
And yup, I broke my single bunny all ready. Hope I dont break the double!
You'll make a great halloween fairy ... I'm sure you can find something better than the fright factory.