Why is not responding to a guy a woman's answer to get rid of them, if they are not interested?
now what i mean is completely ignoring them, through text , calling ,PMing them(have not tried this yet)
But don't get me wrong, I'm not a stalker, I don't freak out when she doesn't respond: either right away/ few hours, and i do ask questions with yes or no answers to respond back.
And not that this helps too much but, i grew up with three older sisters who didn't teach me much as far as girls but, at least to respect them and treat them right! Hell my Dad didn't even really help me with girls just to always Wear a rain coat!
So i could go on with all the finer details but I'm not. Long story short. I knew the girl was into me, visited her, things went great, left and now i haven't talked to her in a week or so,text, left a voice-mail and no response????
Why is not responding to a guy a woman's answer to get rid of them, if they are not interested?
now what i mean is completely ignoring them, through text , calling ,PMing them(have not tried this yet)
But don't get me wrong, I'm not a stalker, I don't freak out when she doesn't respond: either right away/ few hours, and i do ask questions with yes or no answers to respond back.
And not that this helps too much but, i grew up with three older sisters who didn't teach me much as far as girls but, at least to respect them and treat them right! Hell my Dad didn't even really help me with girls just to always Wear a rain coat!
So i could go on with all the finer details but I'm not. Long story short. I knew the girl was into me, visited her, things went great, left and now i haven't talked to her in a week or so,text, left a voice-mail and no response????